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  • Johnny Jeon (Mentee)

Korea Daily Leadership: How I Learned About Body Cameras and More

This week I went to a writing camp called Korea Daily Leadership Camp. I learned about the body camera in the Korea Daily Leadership Camp, which is located in Pepperdine University in Malibu, California.

At the camp I had to write an article about the body cameras and why they were becoming a topic to debate about in the news. After writing the article about the body cameras and reading about the good and bad about them, I decided that body cameras are very useful in my own opinion. I think that the police should use them. Without it, police could do whatever they want and not get caught if no one reports the scene. So the body camera makes sure that the police don’t injure, or even kill, an innocent citizen without getting in any trouble. It’s possible that the cops injured or killed innocent citizens because of their religion or skin color. They had done it before in the past but now that there are cameras, we can solve this problem. The fear from police officers being able to harm citizens can be reduced with the cameras. I think this is an important problem and that the cost of the cameras is not something that should stop the government from trying to fix the problem of police homicide.

Thinking about the past few days that I had stayed in the camp, I found my thoughts about the camp to change. At first, I was bored because the camp sounded boring. But when I heard about all the activities, I was excited. There were a lot of things for me to do (and they weren’t all boring).

We started learning about the main parts of debating and about the subject of debate overall. My group of mentors and “mentees” is called the Awesome Vortex Squadron (AweVorSqua for short). The group members were Joshua, Andrew, Lauren, Irene, Changho, ChoHa, and me, Johnny. Joshua, Lauren, Changho, and ChoHa were the mentors in my group.

Since this camp is all about debate and writing, we were introduced to the famous news broadcaster, David Ono. David explained to us how he works in a news station and how it is like being both a journalist and news anchor. He showed a few clips of him talking in his show on ABC channel. My favorite clip was the Ghost Story. It was about a family who bought a Polaroid camera and a haunted house. In the house that they lived in, there was a bathroom door that was very hard to open. One day, the door kept opening. It turned out to be that a ghost was found to be with the two people living in the house and could talk to them through his Polaroid pictures. It was fun talking to David Ono.

I also celebrated my birthday at camp! On Wednesday, it was my birthday and I became 11. I had a great time at the Korea Daily Leadership Camp. I got a cake from the staff at the camp and a birthday card from my group (Group Awesome Vortex Squadron). I learned a lot from my teachers and mentors while at the camp. I also made some new friends. I will never forget the Korea Daily Leadership Camp 2015 and the fun I had while I was there.

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