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  • Andrew Kim (Mentee)

Andrew's Experience at Leadership Camp

My name is Andrew Kim and I came to Korea Daily’s Leadership Camp two days ago. During those two days, I have met many friends and had a lot of fun already. Even learning was quite enjoyable because I knew that this kind of content would be useful later on. The special guests were very interesting with what they presented and were very educational. David Ono, news anchor of 7News, was fascinating with his experiences. Among all the videos he presented of previous news reports, I think the tsunami video taught me the most. The second special guest, Jeong Park, had a very distinct but still great topic. He led us through the daily life of a newspaper reporter, told us how journalists can change the world, little by little, and taught us about the history of the Daily Bruin. I believe his whole presentation was very likable. Though learning was a fine time, my personal favorite time was at night time, where we do work as a group then later get to play. Our group work, agreed on by the whole group, was about whether the police department make police officers on duty should wear body cams, a small device meant to record what they do. Even though some people argue that making police officers wear body cameras is invading the officers’ privacy, I believe that even though that may be true, I think the benefits are far superior than the negative effects. Honestly, how much can privacy can a small camera invade? There are probably much harsher police brutality around the world. Such corruption is an inevitability, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to reduce the amount of such immoral cases, would it?

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